What are your plans?

Life Plan

Jazmyn Luna

Erwc, Ordonez

Period 6

“Let me be patient, let me be kind.

Make me unselfish, without being blind.

I may have faith to make mountains fall,

But if I lack love then I am nothing at all.”

-Lauryn Hill

Image source: Pinterest



After school I’m planning on finding a job for the summer to keep me busy. I will be going back to school in August to get my manicurist license and take makeup classes to expand on learning more beauty techniques. I have many goals but right now those are biggest achievements I want to succeed in. I will be living at home while I go to work and go to school but move back to San Diego for the summer. Once my classes start up I will move back to Oceanside with my mom to be closer to the school I applied to in San Marcos. Once I get my license I plan to work with my mom’s boss who has her own nail salon. She will also let me do makeup there in the salon for different events for people which I’m looking forward to doing.


Emotional Wellness

I read these Ten Golden Tips for Emotional Wellness on the Internet today that really opened my eyes. In the beginning it stated Emotional wellness as a commodity which some people take advantage of leading to their own solutions of filling the “black hole”. This is sadly true and I have seen people choose negative solutions to recover from any hurt they’ve been through. “The loss of loved ones, natural disasters …so many things in life that affect our well-being are not in our control.” This quote reminded me of how Ms. Ordonez said the Serenity Prayer has helped her accept  any outcome even if it’s out of her control, therefore I think everyone should really think about having acceptance.


I retain a firm belief of second chances and always finding a way to see the positive in anything. To help myself maintain a healthy emotional wellness I will follow some tips I thought would be helpful. First to keep all my expectations realistic to prevent myself from disappointment or failing. “We cannot separate the health of the mind from the health of the body.” Physical health contributes a lot to emotional distress that can be avoided. Taking care of my body will be another way to keep my emotional wellness stable. Learning to laugh can help bring up your mood and can make you a happier person in general. Laughing at yourself can make it easier for you if someone were to be making fun of you, you can just laugh it off, or it could be even easier to ignore. This can be an easily learned trait and can help my life improve dramatically, not just emotionally, but physically as well.


Environmental Wellness

Environmental wellness inspires everyone to live a way of life that is respectful by our surroundings. This area gives support to us and show a way to live in harmony with the Earth by taking action to save it. The environmental well-being encourages interaction with nature and our immediate environment. Everyone can have a strong environmental conscious simply by raising their awareness. The major key of environmental wellness is respect. Having the respect for all nature and all species living on Earth. Environmental wellness does not order that you join a movement or organization, but it does encourage you to practice the habits that promote a healthy environment. When you become environmentally knowledgeable, you will be able to realize how your daily habits affect the environment. Improving your environmental wellness is straightforward and results in a more equality lifestyle.

In an article I read on the Stanford Health website, “Tips to Improve Your Environmental Wellness,” it included signs of having a good environmental wellness. Some of the signs I believe would be motivational are conserving energy, being aware of the limited supply on Earth, and enjoying the natural settings to spend outside. It’s about figuring ways to show awareness on the hazardous state of Earth and how it may affect your daily ways. Having a fit Environmental Wellness will embrace keeping up with a healthy way of life that advances peacefulness and diminish trauma on Earth. All the little things I can do to better myself can start by helping others to pick up trash or even not letting the water run when not using it. There are unlimited activities to give back to the World.


Financial Wellness

There are important elements of financial wellness that stuck out to me while reading the What is Financial Wellness? article. Before I read this article I knew there were steps many individuals should follow to live a more fulfilling and stable life. There are people who don’t realize being financially happy has a huge role in how you live your life. In the article it states, “an individual must have an understanding of their spending, including what they are spending their money on, groceries, clothing, coffee shops, and how much they are spending.” Many of the times people bounce off track with spending and causes distress in their life. Experts recommend on having some type of income separated for emergencies and guidance. If I were financially stable after high school I will have to think about the future and different scenarios I might need money in my possession for emergencies. Everyone has the tendency to buy something they do not need but want. Having guidance in my life will definitely improve my wellbeing. To be financially happy I must understand the benefits I have and have the ability to maximize the benefits I receive.


Intellectual Wellness

It is important to value creativity, curiosity, and lifelong learning. I personally think this particular wellness is one I really need to work on. Three major things individuals with a strong intellectual wellness follow are: “cherishing mental growth and simulations, they are involved in intellectual and cultural activities, engaged in the exploration of new ideas and understandings.” To engage myself to intellectual wellness I need to start asking myself four important questions to guide me. Am I open to new ideas? I would say yes, I am open to new ideas all the time but there’s certain times were these ideas may be out of my comfort zone. That’s the whole great thing about following new ideas to get out of your “normal” zone. Do I seek personal growth by learning new skills? No I don’t seek any skills at all. I feel like I’m not good at anything or simply just too lazy to look for a skill. I do agree that learning new skills would improve my personal growth. Do I search for lifelong learning opportunities and stimulating mental activities? Yes I do search for learning opportunities because I do enjoy learning things especially if it’s in topic or career I’m interested in.  Do I look for ways to use creativity? Its really difficult for me actually to think or do something creative. Not a creative person at all. I know the areas I need to work in to better myself in intellectual wellness. It’s a lot of self evaluating and trying new things out for myself to go on to learn more helpful skills.


Occupational Wellness

Living your life between work and spare time is a difficult thing to balance out. Occupational Wellness focuses on what your calling is and exploring diverse career options to discovering where you fit in. Occupational Wellness reminds me of High School. For us as students getting our education is just like having a job. We have to balance school work from leisure time. Of course preschool to eighth grade we do the basic learning that is assigned to us, but in High School our main focus should be to find a path to a career after. Here we get to choose classes that allow us to get our foot in the door to see what we like as a career in the future. Being students is our primary occupation but you can always look at the signs to improve your wellness. Always doing work that motivates you and interests you on moving forward or learning more will get your mindset ready to be for new changes in the future. Find work that bests fits your personality. Get in the habit to work and communicate with others to build a professional relationship. Whatever we as seniors decide on doing after High School we will have to encounter having to work with others. Make sure at the end of the day you feel good about what you have accomplished and continue on striving. Because what we end up doing for a living borders around so much of our time, it is important for our overall well-being to do what we love and love what we do. I believe when I am doing what I was meant to do, I will most definitely deepen my sense of purpose.


Physical Wellness

Ever since I was an early teen I struggled with keeping a steady diet. I would usually eat my breakfast in the late afternoon. My physical wellness is all not so well. I also am not a person who usually works out everyday, however I am now 4 months pregnant and will have to make some changes. I believe that in order to be physically well I need to eat a balanced diet, exercise at least one hour a day, and go to the doctor for my regular check ups. A balanced diet is all about getting the right amount of vegetables, protein, whole grains, and fruits. I am going to prepare full meal plans for the week and of course drink plenty of water.

Since I am going to become a mother I will have to keep in my mind the health of my child. I am also going to take initiative and begin to walk 1 hour a day and do yoga. My mom has decided to join me and that is going to help me stick to my plan. I will also be going to the doctor for my regular check ups and avoid spicy foods, chocolate, and anything that is unbeneficial to the well-being of my unborn child. I also am going to begin to read the book “What to Expect When You are Expecting” this book is very informational and has many great tips on how to stay away from foods that are not healthy for someone that is expecting. Another thing that I am going to do to stay be physically well is to have my full 8 hours of sleep every night.

One thought on “What are your plans?

  1. Jazmyn, You post is well thought out and you do a great job of reflection. You are, however, missing some links and requirements of some of the wellnesses.

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